Sunday, May 6, 2012

Why I don't take a prenatal vitamin

At the top of every communication from my RE, there is a reminder to "begin or continue taking a prenatal vitamin." I won't be doing this. There is nothing magic about pre-natal vitamins. They contain they same vitamins and minerals found in many other supplements.

WebMD recommends a prenatal vitamin with around

400 mcg of folic acid
400 IU of vitamin D
200 to 300 mg of calcium
70 mg of vitamin C
3 mg of thiamine
2 mg of riboflavin
20 mg of niacine
6 mcg of vitamin B12
10 mg of vitamin E
15 mg of zinc
17 mg of iron

With the combination of vitamins and supplements I already take, I have all of those bases covered. In addition, calcium blocks iron absorption; if you want to actually absorb the iron you're paying for, you shouldn't take it with any calcium at all.

Finally, like everything having to do with conception and birth, pre-natals are much more expensive than your average multi-vitamin. No one desperate to conceive would balk at the price of a vitamin, so they charge more.

I'm hardly against spending a lot of money on supplements, but have given and will continue to give pre-natals a pass.

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