Sunday, November 25, 2012

Recovery Update

Turns out that I did have diaper rash--but when you're an adult, they call it a yeast infection. I've just begun a course of Diflucan and should be feeling better soon.

I'm still tired and high on painkillers most of the time, but every day, I walk a little farther, I take fewer painkillers, and I'm conscious for a greater part of the day. This is progress, frustratingly slow though it may be.

DH left my parents' house this morning and I have been feeling emotionally vulnerable and weepy ever since he left. Though he had a bad cold, we have a lovely Thanksgiving, just the four of us. I also love seeing how my parents love my husband. I know that they loved him before, but after my sojourn in the hospital, something has changed with his relationship to my family and to my parents. He is one of us in a new way.

My mom and I are flying back to my city on Tuesday. I'm not ready to go back to work a week from Monday, so I will call Dr. S's office tomorrow to see about getting another week off work. I'm trying not to feel like I'm malingering, but every time I think about going back to work in a week, I burst into tears.

Oh, I'm not sure I mentioned this before, but DH and I are benched from TTC for the next three months. My uterus needs time to heal before it could sustain a pregnancy. In a way I'm relieved to have the time for DH and I to focus on our relationship and sex lives without the stress for TTC.


  1. Glad to hear things are getting better - if only slowly.

    Sometimes a TTC break is a good thing, just the lack of the roller coaster emotions really can be healing.

    1. Definitely! We have actually been on break since September because DH is working out of town.

      I'm going to do a post on this eventually, but TTC has really wreaked havoc with our sexual relationship. I'm so looking forward to sex without the possibility of pregnancy!
