Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Update: I take that back

It was slow in coming, but I had horrible pain, nausea, vomiting and LOTS of despair this morning. I'm feeling better now, but

YES, I'm happy I'm have surgery.

NO, there is absolutely no point in waiting.

YES, it will be worth the money, the inconvenience, the time off work.

NO, I cannot keep living like this.


  1. Hi! It's my first time to your blog and it's nice to "meet" you.

    While I'm not glad for you that you had horrible pain and more, I am glad that you have a plan. When I had my surgery in January, I had not major symptoms that indicated there would be anything found - other than our inability to conceive. I was so worried they would come out and tell me "everything looked good", I was almost relieved when they did find things wrong. (Sad, I know.)
    I tell you this as an incouragement to trust Dr. S and in hopes that the surgery is helpful.

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    Thanks so much for stopping by! I'm pretty sure I've been lurking at your blog, so it's nice to meet you too! Thanks for the encouragement and hope!

    I understand completely that you would be happy they found something with the laparoscopy! I'm praying for a minor bit of endo that would explain my low AMH and high FSH. Also, endo can be removed but really bad cramps for no reason whatsoever....they would just give me more ibuprofen and wish me luck.

    I can feel the adenomyoma most days; it's a sharp pain on my right side. I'm SO glad that will be gone soon.
