But for now, I need to clean out my bookshelf.
All of the following books are in very good condition. If you would like a specific title, please email me with your mailing address. First come, first serve. All books will be shipped media mail, unless you send me a check for shipping.
- Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The definitive guide to natural birth control, pregnancy achievement, and reproductive health, Toni Weschler (CD included)
- The Complete Book of International Adoption: A step-by-step guide to finding your child, Dawn Davenport
- The Infertility Cure: The ancient Chinese wellness program for getting pregnant and having healthy babies, Randine Lewis
- The Fertile Female, Julie Indichova
- Making Babies: A Proven 3-month program for maximizing fertility, Jill Blakeway and Sami David
Obviously, none of the fertility books got me pregnant, but arguably, I didn't go too crazy with gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free fun-free diets.
Looking forward to hearing your updates!!!!!